An updated review on Anti-Alzheimer’s herbal drugs
Alzheimer’s disease (AD) is related to cognitive impairment, dementia observed generally in aged population due to neurodegeneration in an ongoing manner. It gradually worsens memory power of the patient. The hallmark diagnosis features includes formation of senile plaques and Neurofibrillary tangles (NFT’S) [1, 2]. Too little availability of Acetyl choline (ACh) a neurotransmitter in the cerebral region due to metabolism by an enzyme Acetyl choline esterase before showing its action and neural death are the primary reasons for AD. There are many categories of Anti-Alzheimer’s drugs available for management of AD in the market but due to lack of patient compliance successful outcomes were not observed [3]. Apart from this including Nutraceuticals in diet daily routine, Aromatherapy, modifications in the regular schedule, practicing yoga regularly relaxes mind and body from tensions, insomnia, blood circulation, detoxification of organs due to rhythmic breathings and reduce frequency of incidence of headache are proven to show best results by relieving stress according to survey[4-9]. At present herbal medicine has turn out to be best choice for the management of AD because of its availability, very economic, good patient compliance, ease of formulation and lower deleterious side effects [10, 11]. Novel techniques can be used for the development of herbal medicine. This review totally discuses about the occurrence of AD, its Pathophysiology, different stages in the disorder, various selective therapeutic targets for AD, available Anti-AD herbal drugs such as Curcumin, Withania somnifera, Bhrami, Ginkgo biloba, guggul, ginseng, herbs with essential oils, volatile oils, source and cultivation of the herbs, mechanism of action of the Phytochemicals in the herb responsible for treating AD.
Keywords: Alzheimer’s disease (AD), cognitive impairment, Dementia, Senile plaques, Nutraceuticals, Herbal medicine, Phytoconstituents.
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