Online ISSN: 2250-1177
Vol. 10 No. 3 (2020): Volume 10, Issue 3, May-June 2020
Case Studies
The Effect of Meditation in Insomnia due to Stress: A Case Study
Abstract Display: 993 /
PDF Downloads: 774
Acute toxicity of Aristolochia longa L. of aqueous extract in mice
Abstract Display: 591 /
PDF Downloads: 600
Assessment of In Vitro Antidiabetic Potential of Purified Anthocyanin Extract from Floral Petals of Wild Balsam Species
Abstract Display: 631 /
PDF Downloads: 535
Prescription Pattern Analysis of Type II Diabetes Mellitus Inpatients and Associated Co-Morbidities
Abstract Display: 1017 /
PDF Downloads: 796
Modulatory Effects of Honey on Gastric Acidity and Plasma Postprandial Bicarbonate in Wistar Rats
Abstract Display: 485 /
PDF Downloads: 391
Formulation and Evaluation of Protein Bound Paclitaxel Nanoparticles for Injectable Suspension
Abstract Display: 953 /
PDF Downloads: 788
Preparation and Evaluation of Chewable Tablets of Syzygium cumini Seed Powder Chewable tablets of Syzygium cumini seed powder
Abstract Display: 1185 /
PDF Downloads: 1084
Quality of Life Assessment of Hypertensive Patients in a Tertiary Care Teaching Hospital in Jaipur
Abstract Display: 979 /
PDF Downloads: 414
Comparative Study of Chitosan and Carboxy Methyl Chitosan Nanoparticles in Mefenamic Acid Drug Delivery
Abstract Display: 524 /
PDF Downloads: 417
Antihyperglycemic activity of total extract and fractions of Anogeissus leiocarpus
Abstract Display: 708 /
PDF Downloads: 643
Phytochemical, HPLC and FTIR Analysis of Methanolic Extract from Gracilaria dura (C Agardh) J Agardh.
Abstract Display: 1109 /
PDF Downloads: 919
Assessment of Self-Care Practices among Type 2 Diabetic Patients in a Secondary Care Teaching Hospital
Abstract Display: 1754 /
PDF Downloads: 924
In Vivo Antioxidant Potential of Protein Hydrolysates of some Cucurbitaceae Seed
Abstract Display: 520 /
PDF Downloads: 421
Fractionation, Phytochemical Screening and Free Radical Scavenging Capacity of Different Sub-Fractions from Pituranthos scoparius Roots Fractionation, Phytochemical Screening and Free Radical Scavenging Capacity of Different Sub-Fractions from Pituranthos scoparius Roots
Abstract Display: 501 /
PDF Downloads: 365
Formulation and Evaluation of Pseudoephedrine Hydrochloride Loaded Alginate Microbeads
Abstract Display: 657 /
PDF Downloads: 462
Antioxidant chlorophyll purification from maize leaves by liquid-to-liquid extraction method
Abstract Display: 827 /
PDF Downloads: 574
Evaluation of the Acute Toxicity of Dandelion (Taraxacum officinale) Roots
Abstract Display: 1374 /
PDF Downloads: 972
Ameliorative effect of hydroalcoholic extracts of Nigella sativa seed against CCl4-induced acute liver injury in rats
Abstract Display: 515 /
PDF Downloads: 425
Antimicrobial and Hepatoprotective Potential of Pterospermum acerifollium leaves Extracts on Swiss albino mice
Abstract Display: 354 /
PDF Downloads: 387
Vimentin and Cytokeratin Immunostaining: The Role in Basic Diagnosis and Prognosis of Sarcomas
Abstract Display: 361 /
PDF Downloads: 319
Humoral response of broilers to live Newcastle Disease virus vaccines manufactured by different companies
Abstract Display: 478 /
PDF Downloads: 402
Formulation and Evaluation of Herbo-Mineral Facial Scrub
Abstract Display: 2713 /
PDF Downloads: 2117
Psychological and Anxiety/Depression Level Assessment among Quarantine People during Covid19 Outbreak
Abstract Display: 2232 /
PDF Downloads: 1259
Statistical Retrospective Analysis of Spontaneous Abortions in Sidi Bel Abbes Region
Abstract Display: 406 /
PDF Downloads: 345
Acute Oral Toxicity Studies of the Crude Extract of Endophytic Fungi Isolated from Annona senegalensis Pers
Abstract Display: 673 /
PDF Downloads: 404
Preventive and Curative Effects of Atriplex Halimus L. Aqueous Extract on Benzene Provoked Hepatic Injury in Rats
Abstract Display: 774 /
PDF Downloads: 540
Mini Review
Interferon: Role in health, current trends and therapeutic potentials
Abstract Display: 348 /
PDF Downloads: 331
SARS – COV-2 (COVID-19) Pandemic: A Critical Review on Novel Coronavirus Pathogenesis, Clinical Diagnosis and Treatment
Abstract Display: 799 /
PDF Downloads: 577
Articulation of Quality By Design Elements for Product Development and its Unique Applications
Abstract Display: 786 /
PDF Downloads: 743
Management of Hypertension with Conventional and Herbals Drugs
Abstract Display: 830 /
PDF Downloads: 647
Hydroxychloroquine for COVID-19: A review and a debate based on available clinical trials/case studies
Abstract Display: 1193 /
PDF Downloads: 1015
Reassessing the Restorative Prospectives of the King of Spices Black Pepper
Abstract Display: 833 /
PDF Downloads: 473