The shelf life study of 0.1 M Sodium hydroxide volumetric solution at different condition for analytical purpose in Laboratory


  • Sunil Kumar
  • Bigan Ram


The  Expiry  date  of  0.1 M    Sodium hydroxide  volumetric  solution   is  determined  for  analytical  purpose  in  Laboratory  and  the  Strength  of  Volumetric  solutions   determined  by  titration  against  potassium   hydrogen   Phthalate (KHP).   The   volumetric  solution  prepared  in   distilled   water observed   that   no  chemically  significant   degradation   for  at  least  30  days   when   stored  separately  in   Normal  and  dark  condition  over   a period  of 30  days . The %  RSD  of  Molarity  at Normal  condition  observed  from  0.0993  to  0.0994 %  and   at  Dark condition    from  0.0994  to 0.2988 %.  The  Significant  degradation    observed   when   solution  stored   separately  in  oven  at  35 oC   temperature   and  strength   of   volumetric   solution   deviate   from   18 th   Day . The Degradation of  solution  strength   found  to  0. 98 %  after storage  for 30 days  at  35 oC  Temperature.

Keywords:  Shelf life, Stability, Titrimetric, Primary standard, Hold time study, Degradation.


Author Biographies

Sunil Kumar

Department of chemistry, K.S. College (L.N. Mithila University) Darbhanga-846003, Bihar, India

Bigan Ram

Department of chemistry, Women's  College (L.N. Mithila University) Samastipur-848101,Bihar, India.


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How to Cite

Kumar S, Ram B. The shelf life study of 0.1 M Sodium hydroxide volumetric solution at different condition for analytical purpose in Laboratory. J. Drug Delivery Ther. [Internet]. 2019 Oct. 23 [cited 2025 Feb. 12];9(4-s):957-60. Available from:

How to Cite

Kumar S, Ram B. The shelf life study of 0.1 M Sodium hydroxide volumetric solution at different condition for analytical purpose in Laboratory. J. Drug Delivery Ther. [Internet]. 2019 Oct. 23 [cited 2025 Feb. 12];9(4-s):957-60. Available from: