Novel Drug Delivery System: Brief Review
Current developments in our knowledge of the pharmacokinetic and pharmacodynamics behaviour of drugs provide a more logical framework for designing the best possible drug delivery system. It is understandable that multidisciplinary efforts will play a major role in the success of drug delivery research in the future. Any therapeutic agent that has the potential to be safer, more effective, and use an enhanced drug delivery mechanism offers pharmaceutical companies significant marketing prospects as well as advancements in the treatment of illnesses. Since ancient times, humans have utilized plants as food and medicine, viewing them as nature's solutions. The underlying idea is that every sickness has a remedy that is concealed in better ways using ayurvedic, homeopathic and allopathic. However, in order to promote sustained release, improve patient compliance, etc., the way herbal medications are delivered must also be modified. Because of challenges with processing, standardizing, extracting, and identifying them, herbal medications had historically been unable to draw scientists' attention to the development of novel drug delivery methods. However, with today's technological advancements, the development of herbal revolutionary drug delivery systems is made possible by novel drug delivery systems (NDDS). It is possible to achieve protection against toxicity, stability enhancement, enhanced bioavailability, and protection against chemical and physical degradation of herbal formulations through the application of advanced procedures which must give the result in better or faster way. In this review we will get the method of preparations of NDDS and the Application of NDDS.
Keywords: Herbal Drugs, Enhanced drug delivery, Phytosomes, Nanoparticles, liposomes.
Herbal Drugs, Enhanced drug delivery, Phytosomes, Nanoparticles, liposomesDOI
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