Psoriasis: An autoimmune disorder
Psoriasis is an auto-immune disorder of the skin. It is characterized by the hyperproliferation of keratinocytes. Severity of the disease depends on the body area affected. Both genetic as well as environmental factors are responsible for it. It affects around 2-3% of world’s population. Psoriasis not only causes physical problems, it also affects mental and social well being of the patient. It may also lead to some Comorbidities like heart problems, diabetes, psychological problems, Crohn’s disease , etc. Keeping in view the impact it creats in the patient’s life, steps should be taken to create awareness of psoriasis. This article attempts to provide a comprehensive view on the psoriasis. It includes the various forms of psoriasis with their specific features, causes of psoriasis, diagnosis and assessment tools used, treatments available for its management including topical as well as systemic therapy and associated problems.
Keywords: Plaque, Psoriasis, Pustules
Plaque, Psoriasis, PustulesDOI
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