Assessment of Medication Adherence Barriers in COPD Patients in A Secondary Care Teaching Hospital


  • Aneena Annu Philip Department of pharmacy practice, KLE College of pharmacy, Bangalore-10, Karnataka, India
  • Manisha Mohanan Department of pharmacy practice, KLE College of pharmacy, Bangalore-10, Karnataka, India
  • Merine Shine Department of pharmacy practice, KLE College of pharmacy, Bangalore-10, Karnataka, India
  • Sherin Sara Benny Department of pharmacy practice, KLE College of pharmacy, Bangalore-10, Karnataka, India
  • Poornima Ashok Department of pharmacy practice, KLE College of pharmacy, Bangalore-10, Karnataka, India


Background: COPD is characterised by persistent airway obstruction in which better clinical outcome can be attained by appropriate management of disease. Adherence to COPD medication is poorly understood due to chronic nature of the disease. It is crucial to identify the barriers of non-adherence to build up and execute policies and interventions to upgrade medication adherence. Objective: To identify the predisposing barriers of medication adherence and to find the association between medication adherence and variables. Methods: A descriptive analytical study was conducted and data was collected from COPD outpatients. The Morisky Medication Adherence Scale was used to measure adherence and self-assessed questionnaire was employed to identify the predictors of poor adherence. Chi square test was carried out to find the relationship between medication adherence and variables such as age, gender, literacy, socioeconomic class, polypharmacy, delivery device and climate. Results: A total of 403 patients were involved in the study where 68% reported lower adherence. The most common adherence barriers found were forgetfulness (88%), intentional stoppage of medicines when symptoms improve (83%) and negligence towards medication (82%).A significant association was found between gender, literacy, socioeconomic class, polypharmacy, delivery device and climate. Conclusion: Adherence to medication regimen in COPD patients is poor, even though it is a preventable and a treatable disease. Well-structured education, training, counseling is required to overcome medication adherence particularly among illiterate and low socioeconomic class patients. The combined interventions should be used such as video clips demonstrations of inhaler technique should be given.

Keywords: COPD, Morisky medication adherence scale, Chi square test.


COPD, Morisky medication adherence scale, Chi square test


Author Biographies

Aneena Annu Philip, Department of pharmacy practice, KLE College of pharmacy, Bangalore-10, Karnataka, India

Department of pharmacy practice, KLE college of pharmacy, Bangalore-10, Karnataka , India

Manisha Mohanan, Department of pharmacy practice, KLE College of pharmacy, Bangalore-10, Karnataka, India

Department of pharmacy practice, KLE college of pharmacy,Bangalore-10,Karnataka,India

Merine Shine, Department of pharmacy practice, KLE College of pharmacy, Bangalore-10, Karnataka, India

Department of pharmacy practice, KLE college of pharmacy, Bnagalore-10, Karnataka, India

Sherin Sara Benny, Department of pharmacy practice, KLE College of pharmacy, Bangalore-10, Karnataka, India

Department of pharmacy practice, KLE college of pharmacy,Bangalore-10,Karnataka,India

Poornima Ashok, Department of pharmacy practice, KLE College of pharmacy, Bangalore-10, Karnataka, India

Department of pharmacy practice, KLE college of pharmacy,Bangalore-10,Karnataka,India


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How to Cite

Philip AA, Mohanan M, Shine M, Benny SS, Ashok P. Assessment of Medication Adherence Barriers in COPD Patients in A Secondary Care Teaching Hospital. J. Drug Delivery Ther. [Internet]. 2020 Apr. 15 [cited 2025 Feb. 14];10(2-s):80-5. Available from:

How to Cite

Philip AA, Mohanan M, Shine M, Benny SS, Ashok P. Assessment of Medication Adherence Barriers in COPD Patients in A Secondary Care Teaching Hospital. J. Drug Delivery Ther. [Internet]. 2020 Apr. 15 [cited 2025 Feb. 14];10(2-s):80-5. Available from: