Role of Dalak (Massage) in management of Depression: A Review


  • , Sana-Ur-Rehman
  • Aisha Perveen
  • Farzana Islam
  • Azhar Hassan


BismllahirRehman Nirraheem, Nahmaduhu wa Nusallihi Ala Rasoolihil Kareem. Health is an essential component of life and it is necessary to live happy life.  Health and diseases not only affect individual but also affects society. There are number of factors which are responsible for health and disease. According to Unani System of Medicine Asbab-e-Sittah Zarooriyah and Ghair Zarooriyah are important factors amongst them. Balance in these factors produces tabai khilt (normal humorous) such as Tabai balgham (normal phelghm), tabai safra (normal yellow bile), tabai sauda (normal black bile) etc, these tabai khilt produces good health and any disturbance in it leads to ill health/disease, because disturbances in componants of asbab-e-sittah zarooriyah leads to increase in abnormal khilt such as ghair tabai souda (abnormal black bile), ghair tabai balgham (abnormal phlegm), ghair tabai safra (abnormal yellow bile) etc. Harkat-wa-Sukoon Nafsani is a component of asbab-e-sittah zarooriyah, disturbance in it leads to ghair tabai sauoda, which is responsible for psychological disorders such as anxiety, depression etc. There are number of regimens such as Ilaj-bil Ghiza, Ilaj-bil-Tadabeer, Ilal-bil-Dawa and Ilj-bil-Yad, used to maintain health, for prevention and to control the diseases . One of the best example is dalak(massage) which is a component of Ilaj-bil-Tadabeer and play a very important role in management of depression. Some studies also proven its efficacy in the management of depression and many other diseases. Time, season, age, locality etc. play very important in it.

Keywords: depression, Dalak, Asbab-e-Sittah Zarooriyah, ghair tabai souda, khilt, 



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How to Cite

Sana-Ur-Rehman , Perveen A, Islam F, Hassan A. Role of Dalak (Massage) in management of Depression: A Review. J. Drug Delivery Ther. [Internet]. 2019 Aug. 15 [cited 2025 Feb. 19];9(4-s):653-6. Available from:

How to Cite

Sana-Ur-Rehman , Perveen A, Islam F, Hassan A. Role of Dalak (Massage) in management of Depression: A Review. J. Drug Delivery Ther. [Internet]. 2019 Aug. 15 [cited 2025 Feb. 19];9(4-s):653-6. Available from: