Drug Utilization Evaluation of Metronidazole at a Tertiary Care Center in Hyderabad, India

  • Anup Jagarlamudi Associate Professor Department of Pharmacy Practice KVK college of pharmacy, Hyderabad, 501512-India
  • AJ Vishali Fifth year Pharm. D. KVK college of Pharmacy, Hyderabad, 501512-India
  • I Mounika Fifth year Pharm. D. KVK college of Pharmacy, Hyderabad, 501512-India


Drug use evaluation is an on-going, systematic, criteria-based program of medicine evaluations that will help ensure appropriate medicine use. If therapy is determined to be inappropriate, interventions with providers or patients will be necessary to optimize pharmaceutical therapy. In our study we have developed a data collection form based upon WHO guidelines for conducting a DUE study on metronidazole use evaluation. To assess the usage of metronidazole at a tertiary care center Hyderabad a retrospective evaluation of usage patterns was carried out for the period of 6 months corresponding to the dates to 1-1-2018 to 30-6-2018. For conducting the evaluation process we had followed the standard guide lines formulated by WHO. The gender distribution of case sheets were male- 69, female- 80. Indication wise the distribution of case sheets were -43.23% are prophylaxis and surgical prophylaxis, 32.81% are non-indicated and 18, 96% were given for infections. The minimum number of days of treatment was 1 day and the maximum number of days of treatment was 23 days. All patient folders evaluated with regards to cellulitis, gynaecological surgeries, UTI, LRTI etc were found to meet the standard criteria appropriate for metronidazole use with respect to dose, and dose frequency. However, in the case of duration the evaluation was found to be largely inappropriate for all the justified indications. In addition, 34.81% of metronidazole use for unjustified indications was noted. This means that metronidazole has been deviated from standard treatment guidelines hence it facilitates the development of resistant strains to metronidazole and of no use in the near future, and it also affect the patient economically.

Keywords: DUE, Metronidazole, WHO, tertiary care center, Hyderabad.


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Author Biographies

Anup Jagarlamudi, Associate Professor Department of Pharmacy Practice KVK college of pharmacy, Hyderabad, 501512-India

Associate Professor Department of Pharmacy Practice KVK college of pharmacy, Hyderabad, 501512-India

AJ Vishali, Fifth year Pharm. D. KVK college of Pharmacy, Hyderabad, 501512-India

Fifth year Pharm. D. KVK college of Pharmacy, Hyderabad, 501512-India

I Mounika, Fifth year Pharm. D. KVK college of Pharmacy, Hyderabad, 501512-India

Fifth year Pharm. D. KVK college of Pharmacy, Hyderabad, 501512-India


1. Available from: http://apps.who.int/medicinedocs/en/d/Js4882e/8.5.html drug and Therapeutics Committees – A Practical Guide (2003; 155 pages)
2. Available from: www.who.int/.../tbs/11-PG_Drug-Use-Evaluation_final-08.pdf
3. Available from: https://www.accessdata.fda.gov/drugsatfda_docs/label/2017/018657s036lbl.pdf
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How to Cite
Jagarlamudi A, Vishali A, Mounika I. Drug Utilization Evaluation of Metronidazole at a Tertiary Care Center in Hyderabad, India. JDDT [Internet]. 15May2019 [cited 19Apr.2024];9(3):272-8. Available from: https://jddtonline.info/index.php/jddt/article/view/2649