Biological Activities and Mechanisms of Actions of Bioactive Compounds (BACS) Identified in Pure and Ternary Blends of Cocoyam, Soya Bean and Bambara Groundnut Flour Using Gas Chromatography-Mass Spectrometry (GC-MS) Technique: A Review
Background: functional foods contain bioactive compounds (BACS) and can be sourced from both animals and plants like cocoyam (CY), soya bean (SB) and bambara groundnut (BGN). previous studies have reported various bacs in each of these plants but literature is scanty on the types and amount, of bacs in such flour blends and formulations. when in combinations as blend, anti-oxidant, interactions occur, resulting in either potentiation, additive, synergistic or antagonistic effect, depending on several various variables. their in-vivo bioactivities which are due to various structural features of the BACS, can be antioxidant, anti-inflammatory, hypocholestrolaemic, antimicrobial and anti-diabetic activities. in this review the various bacs identified by gas chromotagraphy (GC)-mass spectrometry (MS) technique in the various formulations of CY-SB-BGN flour blends were researched for their biological activities and reported mechanisms of actions.
Methodology: a google search of a study on bacs identified using gc-ms in cy-sb-bgn flour blend was conducted and one paper was identified. the bacs reported in the study was noted and literature search of the various biological activities of such compounds and their mechanisms of actions were conducted. the results were documented and discussed.
Results and Discussion: the study revealed that thiadiazole, stilbene, aziridine, thiourea, amphetamine/phenylethylene, artemisinin, monoterpenoids, naphthalenes, i,4-diazpanes, phenols and flavanoids were the identified bacs in cy-sb-bgn flour blend formulations with both the pure and ternary blends showing different family classifications of compounds and different types of compounds in one family class. the biological activities and mechanisms of actions included antimicrobial, antioxidant, antiinflammatory and antidiabetic activities with reported mechanisms of actions for each of these invivo activities.
Conclusion: there are bacs in cy-sb-bgn formulations which are reported from studies to possess anti-microbial, anti-inflammatory, anti-oxidant and anti-diabetic properties invivo, with very established mechanisms of actions, making the use of such plant foods in disease management scientific, hence the recommendation of such plant foods use as adjunct in chronic disease management.
Keywords: Bioactive compounds, Plant foods, Cocoyam, Soya Bean, Bambara Groundnut
Bioactive compounds, mechanisms, plant foodsDOI
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