Su’al-Qinya: Unani Perspective on Iron Deficiency Anemia, its Pathogenesis, and Therapeutic Interventions


  • Asba Sameen PG Scholar, Dept. of Mahiyatul Amraz, National Institute of Unani Medicine, Bengaluru
  • Md Salman PG Scholar, Dept. of Ilaj-bit-Tadbeer, National Institute of Unani Medicine, Bengaluru
  • Sadique Ali Associate Professor, Dept. of Mahiyatul Amraz, National Institute of Unani Medicine, Bengaluru
  • Shaikh Talat Nasreen PG Scholar Department of Amraz Jild Wa Tazeeniyat, National Institute of Unani Medicine, Bengaluru


Anemia, a pervasive global health concern, affects millions worldwide. This study aims to provide an in-depth examination of anemia from the perspective of Unani medicine, exploring its etiology, pathogenesis, and treatment modalities. A comprehensive review of classical Unani texts and contemporary research reveals that anemia is attributed to alterations in blood composition, impaired liver function, and nutrient deficiencies. Unani practitioners employ a holistic approach, incorporating regimenal therapy, herbal remedies, and lifestyle modifications to address the underlying causes of anemia. This study highlights the significance of integrating Unani principles into modern healthcare practices, providing a complementary approach to addressing anemia and promoting overall well-being. This study aims to explore the Unani perspective on anemia, examining its etiology, pathogenesis, and treatment modalities, and highlighting the potential benefits of integrating Unani principles into modern healthcare practices. This study demonstrates the relevance of Unani medicine in understanding and addressing anemia, emphasizing the importance of a holistic approach to healthcare. By integrating Unani principles into modern healthcare practices, healthcare providers can offer a more comprehensive and patient-centred approach to managing anemia and promoting overall well-being.

Keywords: Su’al-Qinya, Faqru-dam, Qillatu-dam, Anemia, Unani medicine, Iron deficiency anemia.


Su’al-Qinya, Faqru-dam, Qillatu-dam, Anemia, Unani medicine, Iron deficiency anemia


Author Biographies

Asba Sameen , PG Scholar, Dept. of Mahiyatul Amraz, National Institute of Unani Medicine, Bengaluru

PG Scholar, Dept. of Mahiyatul Amraz, National Institute of Unani Medicine, Bengaluru

Md Salman , PG Scholar, Dept. of Ilaj-bit-Tadbeer, National Institute of Unani Medicine, Bengaluru

PG Scholar, Dept. of Ilaj-bit-Tadbeer, National Institute of Unani Medicine, Bengaluru

Sadique Ali , Associate Professor, Dept. of Mahiyatul Amraz, National Institute of Unani Medicine, Bengaluru

Associate Professor, Dept. of Mahiyatul Amraz, National Institute of Unani Medicine, Bengaluru

Shaikh Talat Nasreen , PG Scholar Department of Amraz Jild Wa Tazeeniyat, National Institute of Unani Medicine, Bengaluru

PG Scholar Department of Amraz Jild Wa Tazeeniyat, National Institute of Unani Medicine, Bengaluru


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How to Cite

Sameen A, Salman M, Ali S, Nasreen ST. Su’al-Qinya: Unani Perspective on Iron Deficiency Anemia, its Pathogenesis, and Therapeutic Interventions. J. Drug Delivery Ther. [Internet]. 2025 Jan. 15 [cited 2025 Feb. 7];15(1):164-8. Available from:

How to Cite

Sameen A, Salman M, Ali S, Nasreen ST. Su’al-Qinya: Unani Perspective on Iron Deficiency Anemia, its Pathogenesis, and Therapeutic Interventions. J. Drug Delivery Ther. [Internet]. 2025 Jan. 15 [cited 2025 Feb. 7];15(1):164-8. Available from:

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