Restoration of Memory Potential by Piper betel Leaves Extract in High-Fat Diet (HFD)-Induced Dementia in Mice


  • Pooja Sharma Department of Pharmacology, St. Soldier institute of pharmacy, Lidhran Campus, Behind NIT (R.E.C.), Jalandhar –Amritsar by pass, NH-1, Jalandhar -144011, Punjab, India.
  • Ritu Rani Department of Pharmacology, St. Soldier institute of pharmacy, Lidhran Campus, Behind NIT (R.E.C.), Jalandhar –Amritsar by pass, NH-1, Jalandhar -144011, Punjab, India.
  • Ajeet Pal Singh Department of Pharmacology, St. Soldier institute of pharmacy, Lidhran Campus, Behind NIT (R.E.C.), Jalandhar –Amritsar by pass, NH-1, Jalandhar -144011, Punjab, India.
  • Amar Pal Singh Department of Pharmacology, St. Soldier institute of pharmacy, Lidhran Campus, Behind NIT (R.E.C.), Jalandhar –Amritsar by pass, NH-1, Jalandhar -144011, Punjab, India.


The present study has been designed to evaluate the effect of ethanolic extract of leaves of Piper betel in high fat diet (HFD) induced dementia and memory restoration effect in Albino mice by various parameters like Morris water maze (MWM) test, Elevated Plus Maze etc. and Estimation of serum total cholesterol using commercially available kit. Dementia is a syndrome in which the deterioration of cognitive functions occurs.

The results of this study indicate that the administration of a high-fat diet to the Swiss mice produces a severe deterioration of spatial memory as determined by the Morris water maze (MWM) test, Elevated Plus Maze, T Maze delayed alteration task performed. Administration of ethanolic extract of Piper betel (250 and 500 mg/kg, p.o.) for 14 days significantly attenuated high-fat diet-induced memory deficits. Moringa Oleifera treatment to HFD induced mice improves cognition by virtue of its results support that the protective effect obtained with Piper betel may be through the activation of pregnane x receptors.

ethanolic extract of Piper betel treatment to HFD induced mice improves cognition by virtue of its results, supports that the protective effect obtained with Piper betel may be through the activation of pregnane x receptors.

 Keywords: Dementia, Piper betel, high fat diet, Morris water maze, Elevated plus Maze, T Maze and Piracetam.


Dementia, Piper betel, high fat diet , Morris water maze, Elevated plus Maze,


Author Biographies

Pooja Sharma, Department of Pharmacology, St. Soldier institute of pharmacy, Lidhran Campus, Behind NIT (R.E.C.), Jalandhar –Amritsar by pass, NH-1, Jalandhar -144011, Punjab, India.

Department of Pharmacology, St. Soldier institute of pharmacy, Lidhran Campus, Behind NIT (R.E.C.), Jalandhar –Amritsar by pass, NH-1, Jalandhar -144011, Punjab, India.

Ritu Rani, Department of Pharmacology, St. Soldier institute of pharmacy, Lidhran Campus, Behind NIT (R.E.C.), Jalandhar –Amritsar by pass, NH-1, Jalandhar -144011, Punjab, India.

Department of Pharmacology, St. Soldier institute of pharmacy, Lidhran Campus, Behind NIT (R.E.C.), Jalandhar –Amritsar by pass, NH-1, Jalandhar -144011, Punjab, India.

Ajeet Pal Singh , Department of Pharmacology, St. Soldier institute of pharmacy, Lidhran Campus, Behind NIT (R.E.C.), Jalandhar –Amritsar by pass, NH-1, Jalandhar -144011, Punjab, India.

Department of Pharmacology, St. Soldier institute of pharmacy, Lidhran Campus, Behind NIT (R.E.C.), Jalandhar –Amritsar by pass, NH-1, Jalandhar -144011, Punjab, India.

Amar Pal Singh, Department of Pharmacology, St. Soldier institute of pharmacy, Lidhran Campus, Behind NIT (R.E.C.), Jalandhar –Amritsar by pass, NH-1, Jalandhar -144011, Punjab, India.

Department of Pharmacology, St. Soldier institute of pharmacy, Lidhran Campus, Behind NIT (R.E.C.), Jalandhar –Amritsar by pass, NH-1, Jalandhar -144011, Punjab, India.


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How to Cite

Sharma P, Rani R, Singh AP, Singh AP. Restoration of Memory Potential by Piper betel Leaves Extract in High-Fat Diet (HFD)-Induced Dementia in Mice. J. Drug Delivery Ther. [Internet]. 2025 Jan. 15 [cited 2025 Feb. 7];15(1):19-27. Available from:

How to Cite

Sharma P, Rani R, Singh AP, Singh AP. Restoration of Memory Potential by Piper betel Leaves Extract in High-Fat Diet (HFD)-Induced Dementia in Mice. J. Drug Delivery Ther. [Internet]. 2025 Jan. 15 [cited 2025 Feb. 7];15(1):19-27. Available from:

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