Unani Regimenal Therapy for Knee Osteoarthritis (Waja ‘al Rukba): A Comprehensive Scientific Assessment


  • Almas Furquan PG Scholar, Dept. of ‘Ilāj bi’l Tadbīr (Regimenal Therapy), Hakim Syed Ziaul Hasan Government (Autonomous) Unani Medical College & Hospital AYUSH Campus, Nehru Nagar Kolar Bypass Road, Behind MANIT, Bhopal - 462003 (M.P.) India. https://orcid.org/0009-0008-3396-171X
  • Mehmooda Begum Professor, Dept. of ‘Ilāj bi’l Tadbīr (Regimenal Therapy), Hakim Syed Ziaul Hasan Government (Autonomous) Unani Medical College & Hospital Bhopal, India.
  • Ehsaan Ahmad Assistant Professor, Dept. of ‘Ilāj bi’l Tadbīr (Regimenal Therapy), Hakim Syed Ziaul Hasan Government (Autonomous) Unani Medical College & Hospital Bhopal, India. https://orcid.org/0009-0001-8181-2806
  • Meraj Meraj PG Scholar, Dept. of ‘Ilāj bi’l Tadbīr (Regimenal Therapy), Hakim Syed Ziaul Hasan Government (Autonomous) Unani Medical College & Hospital AYUSH Campus, Nehru Nagar Kolar Bypass Road, Behind MANIT, Bhopal - 462003 (M.P.) India. https://orcid.org/0009-0001-7594-8272


Pain in the joints has been a common and serious health issue for a long time. In Unani medicine, both inflammatory and non-inflammatory joint problems are grouped under the term "Waja‘al-Mafāṣil," which means joint pain. Osteoarthritis, based on its symptoms, is very similar to a condition in Unani medicine called Waja‘al-Mafāṣil Balghamī. One of the most common types of osteoarthritis is Knee Osteoarthritis (KOA), which is known in Unani medicine as Waja‘al Rukba. This chronic and painful condition is usually treated with non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs (NSAIDs), but these drugs can have many side effects. In contrast, the Unani system of medicine uses a more comprehensive approach to manage osteoarthritis. Waja‘al Rukba is managed with Istefragh (evacuation) followed by Tadeel Mizaj (rejuvenation), Taqwiyat (strengthened) and Taskeen (pain is relieved). Istefragh is achieved using specific Unani herbal treatments, like Munzij-Mushil Therapy followed by Tadeel Mizaj using various techniques, including Ḥijāma (cupping), Dalk (massage), Ta‘līq al-‘Alaq (leech therapy), Ḥammām (Turkish Bath), Takmeed (fomentation), Naṭūl (irrigation), Qay‘ (vomiting), and Ḥuqna (enema). Taskeen and Taqwiyat are achieved using either medications or these modalities. This overview focuses on Waja‘al Rukba and its Regimenal management.

Keywords Ilājbi’lTadbīr, Osteoarthritis, Unani, Waja ‘al Rukba, Waja‘al Mafāṣil,


Ilāj bi’l Tadbīr, Osteoarthritis, Unani, Waja ‘al Rukba, Waja‘al Mafāṣil



Author Biographies

Almas Furquan, PG Scholar, Dept. of ‘Ilāj bi’l Tadbīr (Regimenal Therapy), Hakim Syed Ziaul Hasan Government (Autonomous) Unani Medical College & Hospital AYUSH Campus, Nehru Nagar Kolar Bypass Road, Behind MANIT, Bhopal - 462003 (M.P.) India.

PG Scholar, Dept. of ‘Ilāj bi’l Tadbīr (Regimenal Therapy), Hakim Syed Ziaul Hasan Government (Autonomous) Unani Medical College & Hospital AYUSH Campus, Nehru Nagar Kolar Bypass Road, Behind MANIT, Bhopal - 462003 (M.P.) India.

Mehmooda Begum, Professor, Dept. of ‘Ilāj bi’l Tadbīr (Regimenal Therapy), Hakim Syed Ziaul Hasan Government (Autonomous) Unani Medical College & Hospital Bhopal, India.

Professor, Dept. of ‘Ilāj bi’l Tadbīr (Regimenal Therapy), Hakim Syed Ziaul Hasan Government (Autonomous) Unani Medical College & Hospital Bhopal, India.

Ehsaan Ahmad, Assistant Professor, Dept. of ‘Ilāj bi’l Tadbīr (Regimenal Therapy), Hakim Syed Ziaul Hasan Government (Autonomous) Unani Medical College & Hospital Bhopal, India.

Assistant Professor, Dept. of ‘Ilāj bi’l Tadbīr (Regimenal Therapy), Hakim Syed Ziaul Hasan Government (Autonomous) Unani Medical College & Hospital Bhopal, India.

Meraj Meraj, PG Scholar, Dept. of ‘Ilāj bi’l Tadbīr (Regimenal Therapy), Hakim Syed Ziaul Hasan Government (Autonomous) Unani Medical College & Hospital AYUSH Campus, Nehru Nagar Kolar Bypass Road, Behind MANIT, Bhopal - 462003 (M.P.) India.

PG Scholar, Dept. of ‘Ilāj bi’l Tadbīr (Regimenal Therapy), Hakim Syed Ziaul Hasan Government (Autonomous) Unani Medical College & Hospital AYUSH Campus, Nehru Nagar Kolar Bypass Road, Behind MANIT, Bhopal - 462003 (M.P.) India.


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How to Cite

Furquan A, Begum M, Ahmad E, Meraj M. Unani Regimenal Therapy for Knee Osteoarthritis (Waja ‘al Rukba): A Comprehensive Scientific Assessment. J. Drug Delivery Ther. [Internet]. 2024 Oct. 15 [cited 2025 Jan. 21];14(10):175-81. Available from: https://jddtonline.info/index.php/jddt/article/view/6855

How to Cite

Furquan A, Begum M, Ahmad E, Meraj M. Unani Regimenal Therapy for Knee Osteoarthritis (Waja ‘al Rukba): A Comprehensive Scientific Assessment. J. Drug Delivery Ther. [Internet]. 2024 Oct. 15 [cited 2025 Jan. 21];14(10):175-81. Available from: https://jddtonline.info/index.php/jddt/article/view/6855