Qualitative Analysis of Bioactive Compounds from different Polypores from Kolhapur District

Keywords: Bioactive compounds, Polypores fungi, Therapeutic properties


It is now widely recognized that biological activity occurs throughout the fungal kingdom. Since ancient times so called mushrooms belonging to Basidiomycota have been used for medicinal purpose. Various bioactive compounds show important biological activities such as antioxidative, free radical scavenging, anticarcinogenic, immunomodulatory, antiviral, and antibacterial etc. In earlier times, mushrooms were originally regarded as a significant source of medicinal in oriental regions. Discovering new major medicines is becoming a great challenge for scientific community. The present study deals with qualitative analysis and identifies the different classes of bioactive compounds as well as their potential therapeutic properties in three different polypores viz. Earliella scabrosa, Podoscypha petalodes and Polyporus grammocephalous. This information can provide insight about the bioactivity and metabolite production from these Polypore fungi, which can potentially lead to the development of new drugs.

Keywords: Bioactive compounds, Polypores fungi, Therapeutic properties


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Author Biographies

Anjali Rajendra Patil, Department of Botany, Rajaram College, Kolhapur, Maharashtra, India, 416004

Department of Botany, Rajaram College, Kolhapur, Maharashtra, India, 416004

Yogesh Sadashiv Patil, Department of Botany, Rajaram College, Kolhapur, Maharashtra, India, 416004

Department of Botany, Rajaram College, Kolhapur, Maharashtra, India, 416004


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How to Cite
Patil AR, Vedpathak MA, Patil YS. Qualitative Analysis of Bioactive Compounds from different Polypores from Kolhapur District. JDDT [Internet]. 15Aug.2024 [cited 8Sep.2024];14(8):54-3. Available from: https://jddtonline.info/index.php/jddt/article/view/6749