Microsponge: A Review


  • Manpreet Kaur St. Soldier Institute of Pharmacy, Lidhran Campus, Behind NIT (R.E.C.), Jalandhar –Amritsar by pass, NH-1, Jalandhar -144011, Punjab, India.
  • Ritu Rani PCISt. Soldier Institute of Pharmacy, Lidhran Campus, Behind NIT (R.E.C.), Jalandhar –Amritsar by pass, NH-1, Jalandhar -144011, Punjab, India. https://orcid.org/0009-0009-0013-6016
  • Ajeet Pal Singh St. Soldier Institute of Pharmacy, Lidhran Campus, Behind NIT (R.E.C.), Jalandhar –Amritsar by pass, NH-1, Jalandhar -144011, Punjab, India. https://orcid.org/0000-0002-1212-5770
  • Amar Pal Singh St. Soldier Institute of Pharmacy, Lidhran Campus, Behind NIT (R.E.C.), Jalandhar –Amritsar by pass, NH-1, Jalandhar -144011, Punjab, India. https://orcid.org/0000-0003-0027-2869


Microsponge are little spherical molecules with a broad porous surface that resemble sponges. The use of microsponges is a unique medication delivery method that has several benefits. For a range of illnesses, the Microsponges drug delivery system is utilized to improve the effectiveness of oral, parenteral, or topical medicine administration. A novel approach of managing drug release and administering medication to specific locations is microsponge technology. The efficient and novel way that microsponge medicine administration advances properties, boosts item stability, and improves security can all contribute to the effectiveness of topically dynamic operators.

In an effective and creative way, it can boost the efficiency of topically active medications while improving safety, product stability, and aesthetic qualities. Recently, microsponges, which are typically used topically, have also been employed for oral delivery. Microsponge Systems may suspend or trap a wide range of substances. They can also be integrated into a product that is made to resemble a gel, cream, liquid, or powder. Microsponge Systems are built on atomic, polymer-based microspheres. In topical medication solutions, microsponge technology has been employed to provide controlled release of active drug into the skin, therefore decreasing systemic exposure and local cutaneous responses to active pharmaceuticals. We will talk about microsponge's characteristics, benefits, and drawbacks as well as the drug release mechanism, formulation techniques, and assessment in this review paper.

Keywords: Microsponge, NDDS, Novel drug delivery system, MDS


Microsponge, NDDS, Novel drug delivery system, MDS



Author Biographies

Manpreet Kaur, St. Soldier Institute of Pharmacy, Lidhran Campus, Behind NIT (R.E.C.), Jalandhar –Amritsar by pass, NH-1, Jalandhar -144011, Punjab, India.

St. Soldier Institute of Pharmacy, Lidhran Campus, Behind NIT (R.E.C.), Jalandhar –Amritsar by pass, NH-1, Jalandhar -144011, Punjab, India.

Ritu Rani, PCISt. Soldier Institute of Pharmacy, Lidhran Campus, Behind NIT (R.E.C.), Jalandhar –Amritsar by pass, NH-1, Jalandhar -144011, Punjab, India.

St. Soldier Institute of Pharmacy, Lidhran Campus, Behind NIT (R.E.C.), Jalandhar –Amritsar by pass, NH-1, Jalandhar -144011, Punjab, India.

Ajeet Pal Singh, St. Soldier Institute of Pharmacy, Lidhran Campus, Behind NIT (R.E.C.), Jalandhar –Amritsar by pass, NH-1, Jalandhar -144011, Punjab, India.

St. Soldier Institute of Pharmacy, Lidhran Campus, Behind NIT (R.E.C.), Jalandhar –Amritsar by pass, NH-1, Jalandhar -144011, Punjab, India.

Amar Pal Singh, St. Soldier Institute of Pharmacy, Lidhran Campus, Behind NIT (R.E.C.), Jalandhar –Amritsar by pass, NH-1, Jalandhar -144011, Punjab, India.

St. Soldier Institute of Pharmacy, Lidhran Campus, Behind NIT (R.E.C.), Jalandhar –Amritsar by pass, NH-1, Jalandhar -144011, Punjab, India.


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How to Cite

Kaur M, Rani R, Singh AP, Singh AP. Microsponge: A Review. J. Drug Delivery Ther. [Internet]. 2024 Jun. 15 [cited 2025 Jan. 21];14(6):294-7. Available from: https://jddtonline.info/index.php/jddt/article/view/6620

How to Cite

Kaur M, Rani R, Singh AP, Singh AP. Microsponge: A Review. J. Drug Delivery Ther. [Internet]. 2024 Jun. 15 [cited 2025 Jan. 21];14(6):294-7. Available from: https://jddtonline.info/index.php/jddt/article/view/6620

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