Safūf-i Aslussūs: A time-tested polyherbal formulation for the management of Premature Ejaculation- A comprehensive review


  • Waish Ahmad Assistant Professor, Department of Ilmul Advia (Pharmacology), Yunus Fazlani Unani Medical College & Al-Fazlani Unani Hospital, Aurangabad, Maharashtra, India
  • Javed Inam Siddiqui Professor, Department of Ilmul Advia (Pharmacology), National Research Institute of Unani Medicine for Skin Disorders, Hyderabad, Telangana, India
  • Mohammed Abdul Rasheed Naikodi Research Assistant (Chemistry), National Research Institute of Unani Medicine for Skin Disorder, Hyderabad, Telangana, India
  • Qamrul Islam USMANI Assistant Professor, Department of Ilmul Advia (Pharmacology), Inamdar Unani Medical College and Hospital, Sedam road, Gulbarga, Karnataka, India


Premature Ejaculation (PE) is the most prevalent male sexual complaint worldwide. The ability to control the timing of ejaculation is very important to get pleasure and to maintain the couple’s sexual health. PE is believed to have a multifactorial etiology which mainly includes psychogenic and biogenic factors. Currently available conventional drugs are based on mere assumptions and their use in PE is considered off-label as they have not been approved by the regulatory bodies. On the other hand, Unani System of Medicine has a holistic approach to the prevention and treatment of diseases and provides a line of treatment for PE which is mainly focused on the internal and external use of specific drugs for the restoration of lost powers, elimination of morbid humor and strengthening of organs, muscles, and nerves. In classical Unani literature, PE/Surʻat-i-Inzāl are described in detail under the heading of Amrāz-i-Bāh. In the series of drug therapy a polyherbal Unani formulation, Safūf-i Aslussūs mentioned in different Unani Pharmacopoeias for the management of PE, and Spermatorrhoea is widely prescribed and recommended for a long time by Unani physicians and it is a time-tested drug. This manuscript is an attempt to summarize scientific studies in support of the claim made by Unani physicians regarding Safūf-i Aslussūs.

Keywords: Safoof-i Aslussoos, Surʻat-i-Inzāl, Premature ejaculation, Unani System of Medicine


Safoof-i Aslussoos, Surʻat-i-Inzāl, Premature ejaculation, Unani System of Medicine


Author Biographies

Waish Ahmad, Assistant Professor, Department of Ilmul Advia (Pharmacology), Yunus Fazlani Unani Medical College & Al-Fazlani Unani Hospital, Aurangabad, Maharashtra, India

Assistant Professor, Department of Ilmul Advia (Pharmacology), Yunus Fazlani Unani Medical College & Al-Fazlani Unani Hospital, Aurangabad, Maharashtra, India

Javed Inam Siddiqui, Professor, Department of Ilmul Advia (Pharmacology), National Research Institute of Unani Medicine for Skin Disorders, Hyderabad, Telangana, India

Professor, Department of Ilmul Advia (Pharmacology), National Research Institute of Unani Medicine for Skin Disorders, Hyderabad, Telangana, India

Mohammed Abdul Rasheed Naikodi, Research Assistant (Chemistry), National Research Institute of Unani Medicine for Skin Disorder, Hyderabad, Telangana, India

Research Assistant (Chemistry), National Research Institute of Unani Medicine for Skin Disorder, Hyderabad, Telangana, India

Qamrul Islam USMANI, Assistant Professor, Department of Ilmul Advia (Pharmacology), Inamdar Unani Medical College and Hospital, Sedam road, Gulbarga, Karnataka, India

Assistant Professor, Department of Ilmul Advia (Pharmacology), Inamdar Unani Medical College and Hospital, Sedam road, Gulbarga, Karnataka, India


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Ahmad W, Siddiqui JI, Naikodi MAR, USMANI QI. Safūf-i Aslussūs: A time-tested polyherbal formulation for the management of Premature Ejaculation- A comprehensive review. J. Drug Delivery Ther. [Internet]. 2024 Jun. 15 [cited 2025 Feb. 12];14(6):191-9. Available from:

How to Cite

Ahmad W, Siddiqui JI, Naikodi MAR, USMANI QI. Safūf-i Aslussūs: A time-tested polyherbal formulation for the management of Premature Ejaculation- A comprehensive review. J. Drug Delivery Ther. [Internet]. 2024 Jun. 15 [cited 2025 Feb. 12];14(6):191-9. Available from: