Unraveling the Therapeutic Potential of Miracle Plant ‘Aftimoon’ in Disease Prevention and Treatment: A Comprehensive Review
Aftimoon (Cuscuta reflexa), a member of Convolvulaceae family is a miraculous parasitic plant with a rich history of utilization in traditional medicine. It has been extensively employed in the Unani treatments all over the world, particularly in the Indian subcontinent, to treat and prevent a variety of illness. Over the years, numerous research findings have documented its diverse therapeutic effects including antioxidant, anti-inflammatory, anticancer, hepatoprotective, and neuroprotective activities. It is utilized as a single medication (mufrad) in powder, mixture, and decoction form and as compound formulations (murakkab) to treat a variety of ailments, which includes hepatitis, palpitations, varicose veins, mental ailments such as epilepsy and depression as well as dermatological conditions such as vitiligo and pityriasis. A number of biologically active compounds with therapeutic potential have been recognized and isolated from this wonder plant which includes amarbelin, sterol glycosides, cuscutalin, bergenin, and others. The synergistic actions of its constituents contribute to its multifaceted healing properties. This review explores the therapeutic potential of Aftimoon, shedding light on its pharmacological properties, traditional uses, and emerging research. By synthesizing traditional knowledge with modern scientific insights, this review aims to illuminate the diversified healing properties of C.reflexa and inspire further research and foster its integration into mainstream healthcare practices.
Keywords: Aftimoon; Cuscuta reflexa; Therapeutic potential; Unani medicines
Aftimoon, Cuscuta reflexa, Unani medicines, therapeutic potentialDOI
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