Outbreak Over Monkey Pox Virus in Human: Immediate Countermeasures from the Endemic to Non-Endemic Regions
A zoonotic orthopoxvirus called human monkeypox has symptoms that resemble smallpox. When people come into contact with diseased animals, they may unintentionally contract monkeypox. According to reports, the virus can also spread through close physical contact, such as skin-to-skin contact or sexual contact, respiratory droplets, and by household items like towels and blankets. There are numerous medical countermeasures on hand for orthopoxviruses like monkeypox. Monkeypox, which originated in western and central Africa, has lately been found in a integer of nations, counting Spain, Canada, Australia, and the United Arab Emirates. Despite its extremely low incidence rate, it nonetheless poses a serious concern that needs to be addressed as soon as possible because of the strong likelihood that it will spread to many other nations. Outside of endemic areas, the danger of monkeypox transmission in medical settings is not well known. One recorded instance of transmission was found after a quick assessment of the literature from 2000 to 2022, which also included cases outside of areas where monkeypox is endemic. It is unusual for monkeypox to recur in non-endemic nations. It is a zoonosis that can extend from animal to human and from human to human, and it has clinical characteristics comparable to smallpox. The latest outbreaks may be attributed to lowered resistance to the orthopoxviruses, movement of people from widespread to non-endemic areas, hereditary alterations in the viral genome, and diminished observation. Transmission and pathogenicity could be avoided with the use of a multifaceted strategy that includes health education, monitoring human mobility, the development of diagnostic tools, and an efficient vaccination.
Keywords: Monkeypox, Outbreak, Orthopoxvirus, Epidemiology, Vaccination, Virology, Public health, Preventive measures
Monkeypox, Outbreak, Orthopoxvirus, Epidemiology, Vaccination, Virology, Public health, Preventive measuresDOI
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