Phytochemicals properties and antimicrobial activities of Carica papaya and Balanites aegyptiaca’ seeds aqueous infusion and decoction extracts
Carica papaya and Balanites aegyptiaca seeds extract have several uses, from food to traditional medicine. This study aims to determine their phytochemicals compound and appreciate their antimicrobial properties against clinical strains. Polyphenolic content was determined with standard methods while DPPH radical scavenging activity is used to appreciate the antioxidant properties, using ascorbic acid as standard. Antimicrobial activities were performed according to the inhibition diameters, using agar diffusion method. Minimum inhibitory concentrations and Minimum fungicidal concentrations were established based on broth dilution methods. The extraction yield is ranged between 6.3 and 20.3%. The results shown polyphenolic content varying from 1256.13±21.09 to 2315.81±53.52 µg GAE/100 mL for Carica papaya and from 303.98±0.93 to 948.06±3.23 µg GAE/100 mL for Balanites aegyptiaca while the antioxidant activity is ranged between 31.76±2.35 and 58.47±4.24 µg AEAC/100 mL for Carica papaya and from 29.80±0.32 to 78.44±2.81 µg AEAC/100 mL for Balanites aegyptiaca. Infusion’s extracts always have the highest values of polyphenols content and antioxidant activity than decoction extracts, be it papaya or balanites seeds. Neitheir flavonoids content nor antibacterial activity was found. The inhibition diameter varies from 14.5±0.5 to 40.5±0.5 mm for papaya seeds extracts and from 16.5±0.5 to 21.0±0.5 mm for balanites seeds extracts without a significative effect of mixture for both extracts. MICs vary from 11.71±0.1 to 75.0±0.0 mg. mL-1 for Carica papaya seeds extracts with 11.72±0.2 to 37.30±0.2 mg. mL-1 and 18.74±0.1 to 100±0.0 mg.mL-1 for Balanites aegyptiaca. Mixture extracts presented intermediaire values. Decoction extracts have lowest MICs values and infusion reveals itself to be the sweetable aqueous extraction techniques but the appropriate infusion time need to be highlight.
Keywords: Carica papaya, Balanites aegyptiaca, Seeds extracts, Phytochemical, antifungal
Carica papaya, Balanites aegyptiaca, Seeds extracts, Phytochemical, antifungalDOI
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