A systematic review of the analytical method identified phytomedicine and pharmacological potency of Rosa species with special attention on Rosa centifolia
Systematic review of Rosa species
Objective: Globally, Rosa species herbal plants are often used as a natural remedy to prevent and cure various health problems without or with minimal toxic effects. Rosa species are rich in bioactive phytochemicals such as flavonoids, polyphenols, tannins, and alkaloids. Phytomedicines are used to treat various diseases and disorders because of their clinical potency.
Material and method: The searches were performed using various databases, including PubMed (http://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pubmed), Science Direct (http://www.sciencedirect.com/), Scopus (http://www.scopus.com/), and Google Scholar (http://www.scholar.google.com/).
Result: India is well known for its geographical diversity, a rich collection of medicinally active plants, and numerous traditional herbal drug treatment systems that are acknowledged as “living traditions”. However, there is no collective report on the significant Rosa species with respect to the recent advancement in clinically active plant investigation. Hence, the key effort of the present review work is to report the identified phytomedicine and pharmacological activity majorly used Rosa species that have grown in India and other countries throughout the world. This review was completed on the basis of a complete national and international literature survey.
Conclusion: In this review, we provide summarised and collective scientific information on the prominent Rosa species, used plant part, their extract, used analytical methods, biochemical and their respective medicinal activity to develop new ethnomedicine in the future.
Keywords: Rosa species, analytical method, biochemical, pharmacological activity
rosa species, analytical method, biochemical, pharmacological activityDOI
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