A Review on Medicinal Uses of Cinnamomum verum (Cinnamon)


  • Rashmi Pathak School of Pharmaceutical Sciences, IFTM University, Lodhipur Rajput, Moradabad, Uttar Pradesh, India
  • Himanshu Sharma School of Pharmaceutical Sciences, IFTM University, Lodhipur Rajput, Moradabad, Uttar Pradesh, India


Cinnamomum verum is a spice plant that is well-known for its medicinal and pharmacological qualities. The old botanical synonym for this tree, Cinnamomum zeylanicum, is derived from Sri Lanka's former name, Ceylon. Since ancient times, Cinnamomum zeylanicum has been frequently used as a medicinal condiment. It's native to Sri Lanka and India's southern states. Cinnamomum verum belongs to the Lauraceae family and is also known by the synonym Cinnamomum zeylanicum Blume. It's a dried bark that's been stripped of its outer cork and underlying parenchyma. Cinnamomum verum is a popular medicinal herb with a wide range of applications It has long been used to flavour food and in pharmaceutical preparations to treat a variety of ailments. For commercial purposes, it is commonly used as candies, chewing gums, mouthwash, and toothpaste in the current period. Many volatile oils, primarily cinnamaldehyde, cinnamic acid, and cinnamate, are abundant in the plant. Eugenol is the active principal ingredient linked to a variety of biological functions. This herb is found in almost every pharmacological system on the planet. Each of these features is essential for human health development. Antimicrobial, wound healing, antidiabetic, anti-HIV, anti-anxiety, and anti-are Parkinson's among of the plant's key medical characteristics. The major components of the Cinnamomum verum plant include eugenol, cinnamaldehyde, cinnamyl acetate, copane, and camphor. The pharmacological effects of cinnamon aldehyde have been extensively researched. Every aspect of the plant was thoroughly examined in this study, from its morphological description to its phytochemical profile and therapeutic action. In this review, we've attempted to compile a comprehensive list of its medical and pharmacological qualities.

Keywords: Cinnamomum verum, Dalchini, Medicinal Properties, volatile oils, Antimicrobial, Anti-HIV, antidiabetic


Cinnamomum verum, Dalchini, Medicinal Properties, volatile oils, Antimicrobial, Anti-HIV, antidiabetic



Author Biographies

Rashmi Pathak, School of Pharmaceutical Sciences, IFTM University, Lodhipur Rajput, Moradabad, Uttar Pradesh, India

School of Pharmaceutical Sciences, IFTM University, Lodhipur Rajput, Moradabad, Uttar Pradesh, India

Himanshu Sharma, School of Pharmaceutical Sciences, IFTM University, Lodhipur Rajput, Moradabad, Uttar Pradesh, India

School of Pharmaceutical Sciences, IFTM University, Lodhipur Rajput, Moradabad, Uttar Pradesh, India


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How to Cite

Pathak R, Sharma H. A Review on Medicinal Uses of Cinnamomum verum (Cinnamon). J. Drug Delivery Ther. [Internet]. 2021 Dec. 15 [cited 2025 Feb. 13];11(6-S):161-6. Available from: https://jddtonline.info/index.php/jddt/article/view/5145

How to Cite

Pathak R, Sharma H. A Review on Medicinal Uses of Cinnamomum verum (Cinnamon). J. Drug Delivery Ther. [Internet]. 2021 Dec. 15 [cited 2025 Feb. 13];11(6-S):161-6. Available from: https://jddtonline.info/index.php/jddt/article/view/5145