Recent Trends, Opportunities and Challenges in 3D Printing Technology for Personalize Medicine


  • Shrikrishna T. Mule Department of Pharmaceutical Quality Assurance, Channabasweshwar Pharmacy College(Degree), Kava Road, Basweshwar Chowk, Latur, Maharashtra, India- 413512
  • O.G. Bhusnure Department of Pharmaceutical Quality Assurance, Channabasweshwar Pharmacy College(Degree), Kava Road, Basweshwar Chowk, Latur, Maharashtra, India- 413512
  • S.S. Waghmare Department of Pharmaceutical Quality Assurance, Channabasweshwar Pharmacy College(Degree), Kava Road, Basweshwar Chowk, Latur, Maharashtra, India- 413512
  • Mamta R. Mali Department of Pharmaceutical Quality Assurance, Channabasweshwar Pharmacy College(Degree), Kava Road, Basweshwar Chowk, Latur, Maharashtra, India- 413512


The scrutiny of medical devices industry as well as pharmaceutical industry for its application in health care industry on different platform is captured the 3D printing technique.  3D printing technology withstand for a very long duration only because of the approval of medical devices, 3D printed tablets and also with the advent of USFDA guideline on technical consideration. This technology is specific to devices utilizing preservative manufacturing. Many thoughts are triggered by 3D printing this technology and for successful delivery of intended product which is necessarily take into a consideration. In this review paper expectation limitations of some regulatory companies, Advantages, disadvantages, what type problems are arises while establishing this setups for drug product production, method, application, and manufacturing risk are represented. It also gives information about the current status of 3D printing technology in research and development of drug products.  For the fabrication of novel solid dosage form a number of 3D printing technology have been developed. This review is mainly focused on describing different technology used for the application of 3D printing in pharmaceutical industry. 

Keywords: - 3D printing technology, recent trend, Opportunities, personalize medicine, challenges, future.


3D printing technology, recent trend, Opportunities, personalize medicine, challenges, future


Author Biographies

Shrikrishna T. Mule, Department of Pharmaceutical Quality Assurance, Channabasweshwar Pharmacy College(Degree), Kava Road, Basweshwar Chowk, Latur, Maharashtra, India- 413512

Department of Pharmaceutical Quality Assurance, Channabasweshwar Pharmacy College(Degree), Kava Road, Basweshwar Chowk, Latur, Maharashtra, India- 413512

O.G. Bhusnure, Department of Pharmaceutical Quality Assurance, Channabasweshwar Pharmacy College(Degree), Kava Road, Basweshwar Chowk, Latur, Maharashtra, India- 413512

Department of Pharmaceutical Quality Assurance, Channabasweshwar Pharmacy College(Degree), Kava Road, Basweshwar Chowk, Latur, Maharashtra, India- 413512

S.S. Waghmare, Department of Pharmaceutical Quality Assurance, Channabasweshwar Pharmacy College(Degree), Kava Road, Basweshwar Chowk, Latur, Maharashtra, India- 413512

Department of Pharmaceutical Quality Assurance, Channabasweshwar Pharmacy College(Degree), Kava Road, Basweshwar Chowk, Latur, Maharashtra, India- 413512

Mamta R. Mali, Department of Pharmaceutical Quality Assurance, Channabasweshwar Pharmacy College(Degree), Kava Road, Basweshwar Chowk, Latur, Maharashtra, India- 413512

Department of Pharmaceutical Quality Assurance, Channabasweshwar Pharmacy College(Degree), Kava Road, Basweshwar Chowk, Latur, Maharashtra, India- 413512


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How to Cite

Mule ST, Bhusnure O, Waghmare S, Mali MR. Recent Trends, Opportunities and Challenges in 3D Printing Technology for Personalize Medicine. J. Drug Delivery Ther. [Internet]. 2020 Jul. 15 [cited 2025 Feb. 18];10(4):242-5. Available from:

How to Cite

Mule ST, Bhusnure O, Waghmare S, Mali MR. Recent Trends, Opportunities and Challenges in 3D Printing Technology for Personalize Medicine. J. Drug Delivery Ther. [Internet]. 2020 Jul. 15 [cited 2025 Feb. 18];10(4):242-5. Available from: