Current Trend in Performance of Forced Degradation Studies for Drug Substance and Drug Product’s


  • Rajveer Bhaskar Dept. of Quality Assurance, RCPIPER, Shirpur, INDIA, 425405
  • Monika Ola Dept. of Pharmaceutics, RCPIPER, Shirpur, INDIA, 425405
  • Vinit Agnihotri Dept. of Quality Assurance, RCPIPER, Shirpur, INDIA, 425405
  • Arjun Chavan Dept. of Quality Assurance, RCPIPER, Shirpur, INDIA, 425405
  • Harpalsing Girase Dept. of Quality Assurance, RCPIPER, Shirpur, INDIA, 425405


The stability of a new drug substances and new drug products is a vital parameter which may affect purity, safety & potency. Changes in drug stability can threat patient safety by formation of toxic degradation products or deliver to lower dose than expected. Therefore it is to know the purity profile & behaviour of a drug substances under the various environmental condition.  Forced Degradation studies show the chemical behavior of the molecule which in turn helps in the  development of  new formulation & package . Degradation study is required to the design of a regulatory compliant stability program for the both drug substances & products, and formalized as a regulatory requirement in ICH Guideline Q1A in 1993. Forced degradation studies (chemical and physical stress testing) of new chemical entities and drug product which is required to develop and demonstrate the specificity i.e stability indicating method. Forced degradation studies used to determination of the degradation pathways and degradation product of drug substances i.e during storage, development, manufacturing and packaging Thus , this review discusses the current trends in performance of forced degradation studies by provide the information about strategy for conducting the studies of forced degradation

Keywords: - Regulatory Guidelines (ICH, FDA, EMA), Degradation condition, Forced degradation, Degradation product.


Regulatory Guidelines (ICH, FDA, EMA), Degradation condition, Forced degradation


Author Biographies

Rajveer Bhaskar, Dept. of Quality Assurance, RCPIPER, Shirpur, INDIA, 425405

Dept. of Quality Assurance, RCPIPER, Shirpur, INDIA, 425405

Monika Ola, Dept. of Pharmaceutics, RCPIPER, Shirpur, INDIA, 425405

Dept. of Pharmaceutics, RCPIPER, Shirpur, INDIA, 425405

Vinit Agnihotri, Dept. of Quality Assurance, RCPIPER, Shirpur, INDIA, 425405

Dept. of Quality Assurance, RCPIPER, Shirpur, INDIA, 425405

Arjun Chavan, Dept. of Quality Assurance, RCPIPER, Shirpur, INDIA, 425405

Dept. of Quality Assurance, RCPIPER, Shirpur, INDIA, 425405

Harpalsing Girase, Dept. of Quality Assurance, RCPIPER, Shirpur, INDIA, 425405

Dept. of Quality Assurance, RCPIPER, Shirpur, INDIA, 425405


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FDA Guidance for Industry, ANDAs: Impurities in Drug Products (draft), Food and Drug Administration, Rockville, MD.

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How to Cite

Bhaskar R, Ola M, Agnihotri V, Chavan A, Girase H. Current Trend in Performance of Forced Degradation Studies for Drug Substance and Drug Product’s. J. Drug Delivery Ther. [Internet]. 2020 Apr. 15 [cited 2025 Feb. 11];10(2-s):149-55. Available from:

How to Cite

Bhaskar R, Ola M, Agnihotri V, Chavan A, Girase H. Current Trend in Performance of Forced Degradation Studies for Drug Substance and Drug Product’s. J. Drug Delivery Ther. [Internet]. 2020 Apr. 15 [cited 2025 Feb. 11];10(2-s):149-55. Available from: