Influence of Cinnamomum camphora ethanolic extract on Biophysical and Biochemical Parameters of Cutaneous Wounds in Rats


  • Praveen Kumar Sen Research Scholar, Department of Pharmacy Sunrise University Alwar Rajasthan, India
  • Shiv Garg Research Supervisor, Department of Pharmacy Sunrise University Alwar Rajasthan, India


The ethanolic extract of Cinnamomum camphora leaves (100mg/kg/day for 16 days) was evaluated for its wound healing activity in rats using excision, incision and dead space wound models. Extract treated animal’s exhibit 95% reduction in wound area when compared to controls which was 84%. The extract treated wounds are found to epithelize faster as compared to controls. The wet and dry granulation tissue weight including Hydroxyproline, elastin and collagen tissue content increased significantly (P< 0.001) when compared with control.

Keywords: Excision wound, Dead space wound, incision, Hydroxyproline, elastin, collegan



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How to Cite

Sen PK, Garg S. Influence of Cinnamomum camphora ethanolic extract on Biophysical and Biochemical Parameters of Cutaneous Wounds in Rats. J. Drug Delivery Ther. [Internet]. 2020 Jan. 16 [cited 2025 Feb. 15];9(4-s):1169-72. Available from:

How to Cite

Sen PK, Garg S. Influence of Cinnamomum camphora ethanolic extract on Biophysical and Biochemical Parameters of Cutaneous Wounds in Rats. J. Drug Delivery Ther. [Internet]. 2020 Jan. 16 [cited 2025 Feb. 15];9(4-s):1169-72. Available from: