Study of morphological parameters and germination index of Trigonella foenum-graecum L.


  • Vasant B. Kadam P.G. Department of Botany and Research Centre, K.T.H.M. College, Nashik-2, India


Fenugreek (Trigonella foenum-graecum L.), plant is widely distributed throughout the world and which belongs to the family Fabacecae.  Fenugreek ( Trigonella foenum-graecum L.), is an annual herb. Morphological parameters of Fenugreek (Trigonella foenum-graecum L.) was observed that the shoot length of seedling (3.408 cm) and root length of seedling (2.583 cm) .  Fresh weight of seedling of root and shoot were recorded (0.834 and 0.119 gm.) and dry weight of seedling were found approximately eight time less (0.111 and 0.010 gm.) than the fresh weight of seedling. Vigor index of Fenugreek were found (560.064) and moisture content was (0.792). Stomatal index of abaxial side was more (12.671) than the number of stomatal index on adaxial side (10.011).  The germination percentage of seeds was (96.774 %).  The percentage of seed germination was higher (100 %) in 10 ppm and 20 ppm of IAA and KI, comparatively the period seeds took for germination is very shorter (two days). The percentage of seed  germination was low ( 20 % ) in 30 ppm of (2, 4-D) after five days, ( 50 % ) in 20 ppm of (2, 4-D) after five days, ( 70 % ) in 30 ppm of (2, 4-D) after five days.



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How to Cite

Kadam VB. Study of morphological parameters and germination index of Trigonella foenum-graecum L. J. Drug Delivery Ther. [Internet]. 2019 Dec. 19 [cited 2025 Feb. 12];9(4-s):1118-22. Available from:

How to Cite

Kadam VB. Study of morphological parameters and germination index of Trigonella foenum-graecum L. J. Drug Delivery Ther. [Internet]. 2019 Dec. 19 [cited 2025 Feb. 12];9(4-s):1118-22. Available from: