Effect of Phaseolus vulgaris on E. coli induced peritonitis and bacteraemia in mice


  • Dipika Khadagwanshi
  • Sonkia Trivedi
  • Preeti Patel
  • Megha Jha


Infectious or non-infectious peritonitis leads to systemic inflammation due to violation of the peritoneum which is often fatal. Evidences suggest that common bean (Phaseolus vulgaris L.) is a source of nutrients and contains phenolic compounds having antioxidant activity and its consumption has been linked with improved health benefits. The aim of the present investigation was evaluate the in vitro antibacterial, antioxidant activity and protective potential of the methanolic extract of P. vulgaris in E. coli induced model of peritonitis in albino wistar rats. Rats were pre-treated with 200 mg/kg and 400 mg/kg/bwt dose for 3 days and fourth day with E. coli (1×108 CFU/ml) strain and consecutively 3 days treatment. Mortality was monitored for 14 days. After the death of rats or completion of the experiment rats were sacrifice and kidney were used for our protocol. Colonies were count and statically analysis was done. Results showed dose dependent antibacterial activity. Thus the methanolic extract of P. vulgaris exhibited significant protection against E. coli induced peritonitis in normal rats. It significantly reduced the viable cells of E. coli when inoculated in rats. Activity is attributed to flavonoids and phenolic compounds. The present study thus suggests that methanolic extract of P. vulgaris significantly reverses peritoneal infection by E. coli in rats. It can be suggest that this medicinal formulation will be used as herbal medicine with no side effects. The high content of phenolic compounds, antioxidant activity and antibacterial activity of P. vulgaris indicate that they may impart health benefits when consumed and should be regarded as a valuable source of antioxidants. Thus, consumption of P. vulgaris seed along with coats might be recommended to gaining better nutritive benefits.

Keywords:  P. vulgaris, Peritonitis, Antioxidant, Antibacterial, E. coli




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How to Cite

Khadagwanshi D, Trivedi S, Patel P, Jha M. Effect of Phaseolus vulgaris on E. coli induced peritonitis and bacteraemia in mice. J. Drug Delivery Ther. [Internet]. 2019 Aug. 15 [cited 2025 Feb. 13];9(4-s):310-4. Available from: https://jddtonline.info/index.php/jddt/article/view/3323

How to Cite

Khadagwanshi D, Trivedi S, Patel P, Jha M. Effect of Phaseolus vulgaris on E. coli induced peritonitis and bacteraemia in mice. J. Drug Delivery Ther. [Internet]. 2019 Aug. 15 [cited 2025 Feb. 13];9(4-s):310-4. Available from: https://jddtonline.info/index.php/jddt/article/view/3323