In-vitro Gastric acid percent neutralizing potential of household remedies verses marketed antacid preparation: A case report


  • BALU KHANDARE Kasturi Shikshan Sanstha College of Pharmacy Shikrapur Pune, Maharashtra,India-412208
  • sandip kshirsagar
  • Nikhil Bhujbal


Gastric acidity is a very common condition among the peoples of developing and developed countries. Increased gastric pH is associated with gastric ulceration, Bleeding ulcers, GERD, heartburn, discomfort, nausea and vomiting. The instant and quick relief from acidity can be obtained by oral administration of antacids. Current study was carried out to determine the acid neutralizing effect of household remedies like cold milk, Baking soda, Baking soda + citric acid in water verses marked preparations like Effervescent granules (ENO, Digene) and liquid antacid Gelusil (5ml and 10ml). Gastric simulation fluid of pH1.2 was prepared and pH was recorded before and after addition of marketed antacid/ household remedies. Observations were recorded in multiple of three for 0 min to 60 min. percent acid neutralization were calculated for each marketed/ household preparation. Results advocate that baking soda in water and Gelusil 10ml shows significant percent acid neutralization 444.35% and 428.57% respectively. The effect of acid neutralization of baking soda in water was instant and remained same whereas Gelusil 10ml showed progressive acid neutralization over a period of time. Effervescent granules ENO and Digene showed 322.58303.14% acid neutralization respectively. Milk 259.67% Gelusil188.28% and Baking soda + citric acidin Water421.25% showed acid neutralization. From results it can be concluded that household remedies are also significantly effective to control the acidity.

Keywords: Antacid, Effervescent granules, Milk, Baking soda. % acid neutralization.



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How to Cite

KHANDARE B, kshirsagar sandip, Bhujbal N. In-vitro Gastric acid percent neutralizing potential of household remedies verses marketed antacid preparation: A case report. J. Drug Delivery Ther. [Internet]. 2019 Aug. 15 [cited 2025 Feb. 18];9(4-s):595-7. Available from:

How to Cite

KHANDARE B, kshirsagar sandip, Bhujbal N. In-vitro Gastric acid percent neutralizing potential of household remedies verses marketed antacid preparation: A case report. J. Drug Delivery Ther. [Internet]. 2019 Aug. 15 [cited 2025 Feb. 18];9(4-s):595-7. Available from: