Development and Validation of a RP-UPLC Method for Determination of Linezolid in Pharmaceutical Formulation


  • shivraj vithal suryawanshi Channabasweshwar pharmacy Collage, Dept of Pharmacology, Latur (MS), India.
  • Omprakash G. Bhusnure Channabasweshwar pharmacy Collage, Dept of Quality Assurance, Latur (MS), India.
  • S.M. Vijayendra Swamy Channabasweshwar pharmacy Collage, Dept of Pharmaceutics, Latur (MS), India.
  • Sachin B. Gholve Channabasweshwar pharmacy Collage, Dept of Quality Assurance, Latur (MS), India.
  • Padmaja S. Girm Channabasweshwar pharmacy Collage, Dept of Pharmacology, Latur (MS), India.
  • Mahesh J. Birajdar Channabasweshwar pharmacy Collage, Dept of Pharmaceutical chemistry, Latur (MS), India.


A simple, sensitive and accurate RP-UPLC method has been developed for the determination of Linezolid in Tablet formulation. The mix of the Linezolid was found to be 251nm in Acetonitrile: Buffer [40:60(v/v)]. The method shows high sensitivity with linearity 5 to 30μg/ml (regression r2 = 0.999). This method was tested and validated for various parameters according to ICH guidelines and USP. The Detection limit and quantitation limit were found to be 50mg ml–1 and 150 mg ml–1 in Acetonitrile: Buffer [40:60(v/v)] respectively. The results demonstrated that the procedure is accurate, precise and reproducible (relative standard deviation < 2%), while being simple, cheap and less time consuming and can be suitably applied for the estimation of Linezolid in Tablet pharmaceutical formulation.

Keywords: linezolid, Acetonitrile: Buffer 40:60 (v/v). RP-UPLC, Methanol.


Author Biographies

shivraj vithal suryawanshi, Channabasweshwar pharmacy Collage, Dept of Pharmacology, Latur (MS), India.

Channabasweshwar pharmacy Collage, Dept of Pharmacology, Latur (MS), India.

Omprakash G. Bhusnure, Channabasweshwar pharmacy Collage, Dept of Quality Assurance, Latur (MS), India.

Channabasweshwar pharmacy Collage, Dept of Quality Assurance, Latur (MS), India.

S.M. Vijayendra Swamy, Channabasweshwar pharmacy Collage, Dept of Pharmaceutics, Latur (MS), India.

Channabasweshwar pharmacy Collage, Dept of Pharmaceutics, Latur (MS), India.

Sachin B. Gholve, Channabasweshwar pharmacy Collage, Dept of Quality Assurance, Latur (MS), India.

Channabasweshwar pharmacy Collage, Dept of Quality Assurance, Latur (MS), India.

Padmaja S. Girm, Channabasweshwar pharmacy Collage, Dept of Pharmacology, Latur (MS), India.

Channabasweshwar pharmacy Collage, Dept of Pharmacology, Latur (MS), India.

Mahesh J. Birajdar, Channabasweshwar pharmacy Collage, Dept of Pharmaceutical chemistry, Latur (MS), India.

Channabasweshwar pharmacy Collage, Dept of Pharmaceutical chemistry, Latur (MS), India.


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How to Cite

suryawanshi shivraj vithal, Bhusnure OG, Vijayendra Swamy S, Gholve SB, Girm PS, Birajdar MJ. Development and Validation of a RP-UPLC Method for Determination of Linezolid in Pharmaceutical Formulation. J. Drug Delivery Ther. [Internet]. 2019 Jun. 19 [cited 2025 Feb. 18];9(3-s):654-8. Available from:

How to Cite

suryawanshi shivraj vithal, Bhusnure OG, Vijayendra Swamy S, Gholve SB, Girm PS, Birajdar MJ. Development and Validation of a RP-UPLC Method for Determination of Linezolid in Pharmaceutical Formulation. J. Drug Delivery Ther. [Internet]. 2019 Jun. 19 [cited 2025 Feb. 18];9(3-s):654-8. Available from:

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