Phytosomes: A Novel Drug Delivery for Herbal Extracts


  • Jayashri J. Bhise Department of Quality Assurance, Channabasweshwar Pharmacy College, Latur, Maharashtra, India
  • Omprakash G. Bhusnure Department of Quality Assurance, Channabasweshwar Pharmacy College, Latur, Maharashtra, India
  • Sneha R. Jagtap Department of Quality Assurance, Channabasweshwar Pharmacy College, Latur, Maharashtra, India
  • Sachin B. Gholve Department of Quality Assurance, Channabasweshwar Pharmacy College, Latur, Maharashtra, India
  • Richa R. Wale Department of Quality Assurance, Channabasweshwar Pharmacy College, Latur, Maharashtra, India


The term “phyto” means plant while “some” means cell-like. Phytosome is novel emerging technique applied to phyto-pharmaceutical which contains phytoconstituents to herbal extract surrounds and bound by lipids. Phytosome shows better absorption, hence produces better bioavailability than the conventional herbal extracts. Because of their improved pharmacological and pharmacokinetic properties. Phytosomes are herbal formulation which has enhanced the therapeutic effects of the plant extracts and herbal lead molecule by increasing bioavailability in the target site compared to conventional herbal extracts. This is improved forms of herbal formulation which contain the bioactive phytoconstituents of herb essence enclosed and bound by a lipid. Phytosomes demonstrated improved pharmacokinetic and pharmacodynamic response than customary botanical extracts. 

Keywords: Phytosomes; Bioavailability, Phospolipids, phytoconstituents.   


Author Biographies

Jayashri J. Bhise, Department of Quality Assurance, Channabasweshwar Pharmacy College, Latur, Maharashtra, India

Department of Quality Assurance, Channabasweshwar Pharmacy College, Latur, Maharashtra, India

Omprakash G. Bhusnure, Department of Quality Assurance, Channabasweshwar Pharmacy College, Latur, Maharashtra, India

Department of Quality Assurance, Channabasweshwar Pharmacy College, Latur, Maharashtra, India

Sneha R. Jagtap, Department of Quality Assurance, Channabasweshwar Pharmacy College, Latur, Maharashtra, India

Department of Quality Assurance, Channabasweshwar Pharmacy College, Latur, Maharashtra, India

Sachin B. Gholve, Department of Quality Assurance, Channabasweshwar Pharmacy College, Latur, Maharashtra, India

Department of Quality Assurance, Channabasweshwar Pharmacy College, Latur, Maharashtra, India

Richa R. Wale, Department of Quality Assurance, Channabasweshwar Pharmacy College, Latur, Maharashtra, India

Department of Quality Assurance, Channabasweshwar Pharmacy College, Latur, Maharashtra, India


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How to Cite

Bhise JJ, Bhusnure OG, Jagtap SR, Gholve SB, Wale RR. Phytosomes: A Novel Drug Delivery for Herbal Extracts. J. Drug Delivery Ther. [Internet]. 2019 Jun. 15 [cited 2025 Jan. 17];9(3-s):924-30. Available from:

How to Cite

Bhise JJ, Bhusnure OG, Jagtap SR, Gholve SB, Wale RR. Phytosomes: A Novel Drug Delivery for Herbal Extracts. J. Drug Delivery Ther. [Internet]. 2019 Jun. 15 [cited 2025 Jan. 17];9(3-s):924-30. Available from:

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