Polyherbal Formulation Concept for Synergic Action: A Review
Formulations restrain 2 or more than 2 herbs are called polyherbal formulation. Drug formulation in Ayurveda is based on 2 principles: Use as a single drug and use of more than one drug. The last is known as polyherbal formulation. The idea of polyherbalism is peculiar to Ayurveda even though it is tricky to explain in term of modern parameters. The Ayurvedic literature Sarangdhar Samhita tinted the idea of polyherbalism to attain greater therapeutic efficacy. Polyherbal formulation has been used all around the earth due to its medicinal and therapeutic application. It has also recognized as polyherbal therapy or herb-herb combination. The active phytochemical constituents of individual plants are inadequate to attain the desirable therapeutic effects. When polyherbal and herbo-mineral formulations combining the multiple herbs in a meticulous ratio, it will give an enhanced therapeutic effect and decrease the toxicity. The active constituents used from individual plant are inadequate to provide attractive pharmacological action. There are evidences that crude plant extracts often have greater potency rather than isolated constituents. In traditional medicine whole plants or mixtures of plants are used rather than isolated compounds. Due to synergism, polyherbalism confers some benefits which are not accessible in single herbal formulations. Polyherbal formulations express high effectiveness in numerous diseases with safe high dose. Based on the nature of the interaction, there are 2 mechanisms on how synergism acts (i.e., pharmacodynamics and pharmacokinetic). In words of pharmacokinetic synergism, the capacity of herb to ease the absorption, distribution, metabolism and elimination of the other herbs is focused. Pharmacodynamics synergism on the other hand, studies the synergistic effect when active constituents with similar therapeutic activity are targeted by diverse mechanism of action. The present review encompasses all the significant features of polyherbal formulation.
Keywords: Polyherbal formulation, Ayurveda, Active constituents, Pharmacodynamics, pharmacokinetic
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