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Journal of Drug Delivery and Therapeutics
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Open Access Full Text Article Research Article
A Study to Evaluate the Effectiveness of Self-instructional Module on Knowledge Regarding Risk factors and prevention of Peptic Ulcer Disease Among Adults in a Selected Rural Areas of Udaipur
Dr. Vipin Kumar Pillai *
Principal, Udaipur College of Nursing, Umarda, Udaipur, Rajasthan, India
Article Info: ___________________________________________ Article History: Received 02 April 2024 Reviewed 08 May 2024 Accepted 26 May 2024 Published 15 June 2024 ___________________________________________ Cite this article as: Pillai VK, A Study to Evaluate the Effectiveness of Self-instructional Module on Knowledge Regarding Risk factors and prevention of Peptic Ulcer Disease Among Adults in a Selected Rural Areas of Udaipur, Journal of Drug Delivery and Therapeutics. 2024; 14(6):170-173 DOI: http://dx.doi.org/10.22270/jddt.v14i6.6768 ___________________________________________ *Address for Correspondence: Dr. Vipin Kumar Pillai, Principal, Udaipur College of Nursing, Umarda, Udaipur, Rajasthan, India |
Abstract ___________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ Background and Objectives: Prevention of peptic ulcer disease is an important determinant of health over the course of life. The early years of life are a period of considerable opportunity for growth or vulnerability to harm. Therefore, it is of great importance that an adult should be aware about the risk factors and various ways to prevent peptic ulcer disease as possible This study aimed to assess the knowledge of adults regarding risk factors and prevention of peptic ulcer disease among selected rural areas of Udaipur. Method: A pre-experimental one group pre-test post-test design was adopted. The study involved 50 adults with in a selected rural area at Udaipur. Data collection included pre-test and post-test assessments of knowledge, demographic surveys, and statistical analysis to evaluate knowledge changes and associations. The self-instructional module was distributed and covered the following areas like: Introduction, Definition, Causes, Risk factors & Prevention. The effectiveness was measured by comparing pre-test and post-test scores, and associations were analyzed using chi-square tests. Results: The data revels that 60% of adult had inadequate knowledge, 24% had moderately adequate knowledge and only 16% had adequate knowledge in pre-test and that 68% had adequate knowledge 14% had moderately adequate knowledge and only 18% had inadequate knowledge in post-test. After the intervention, majority (34%) of adults had good knowledge level whereas during pre-test only (8%) of adults had good knowledge Before intervention the mean knowledge score was 20.22. After intervention, the mean knowledge score was increased to 22.37. Statistically there was a significant difference in the mean knowledge score before and after the intervention (t = 10.95*, df = 19, P<0.05). Hence the hypothesis, there will be a significant difference in the pre and post-test mean knowledge score after the intervention was accepted. The data concluded that, there was a significant increase in the mean knowledge score after intervention because of self-instructional module Interpretation and Conclusion: The study revealed that the self-instructional module was effective in improving the knowledge regarding the prevention of peptic ulcers Keywords: Peptic Ulcer Disease, Self-Instructional Module, Knowledge, Risk factor |
To assess the pre and post-test level of knowledge of adults regarding risk factors and prevention of peptic ulcer disease.
To evaluate the effectiveness of self-instructional module on risk factors and prevention of peptic ulcer among adults.
To determine the association between the post-test knowledge level of adults regarding risk factors and prevention of peptic ulcer disease with selected demographic variables.
Adults may have some knowledge on risk factors and prevention of peptic ulcer disease.
Education may enhance the knowledge of adults regarding risk factors and prevention of peptic ulcer disease. Adults may act according to the information they perceive.
H1: There will be significant difference between the mean pretest and post test knowledge scores of adults regarding the risk factors and prevention of peptic ulcer disease.
H2: There will be significant association between the post test level of knowledge of adults regarding risk factors and prevention of peptic ulcer disease with their selected socio- demographic variables.
Figure-1: Schematic Presentation of Research Methodology
Table 1: Frequency and Percentage distribution of Demographic Variables.
N=50 |
S. No |
Demographic variables |
N |
% |
1. |
Age |
(a) 18 - 32 years |
10 |
20.00 |
(b) 33 -47 years |
14 |
28.00 |
(c) 48 - 60 years |
13 |
26.00 |
(d). More than 60 yrs |
13 |
26.00 |
2. |
Sex (a) Male |
19 |
38.00 |
(b) Female |
31 |
62.00 |
3. |
Educational status |
(a) No formal education |
9 |
18.00 |
(b) Primary education |
9 |
18.00 |
(c) Secondary education |
16 |
32.00 |
(d). Graduate |
16 |
32.00 |
4. |
Occupation |
(a) Daily wages |
8 |
16.00 |
(b) Self employee |
20 |
40.00 |
(c). Government employee |
22 |
44.00 |
5. |
Family monthly income (rupees) |
(a) 10,000 |
11 |
22.00 |
(b) 20,000 |
20 |
40.00 |
(c). 30,000 |
12 |
24.00 |
(d).More than 30,000 |
7 |
14.00 |
6. |
Dietary Pattern |
(a). Regular |
11 |
22.00 |
(b). Irregular |
39 |
78.00 |
7. |
Family history of peptic ulcer disease |
a) |
Yes |
22 |
44.00 |
b) |
No |
28 |
56.00 |
8. |
Personal Habit |
08 |
16.00 |
a) |
Cigarette smoking |
10 |
20.00 |
b) |
Drinking Alcohol |
09 |
18.00 |
c) |
Both |
d) None of the above |
31 |
46.00 |
9. |
Source of information |
(a). Books and Journals |
12 |
24.00 |
(b). Friends and relatives |
09 |
18.00 |
(c). Mass media |
09 |
18.00 |
(d). Health personnel |
20 |
40.00 |
Level of pre test & Post Test knowledge score of adults regarding risk factors and prevention of peptic ulcer disease.
Level of Knowledge |
Score |
Pre-test |
Post-test |
Frequency (n) |
Percentage (%) |
Frequency (n) |
Percentage (%) |
Inadequate knowledge |
1-5 |
30 |
60.00 |
9 |
18.00 |
Moderate knowledge |
6-10 |
12 |
24.00 |
7 |
14.00 |
Adequate knowledge |
11-16 |
8 |
16.00 |
34 |
68.00 |
Area wise comparison of Mean, Standard Deviation and Mean Percentage of pre and post- test knowledge score of adults with peptic ulcer disease.
N =50 |
Domain |
Max. Score |
Pretest |
Post test |
MD |
Paired ‘t’ value P<0.05 df-19 |
Mean |
Mean % |
SD |
Mean |
Mean % |
SD |
Risk factors |
13 |
20.22 |
44.89 |
7.97 |
22.37 |
31.87 |
6.9 |
13.02 |
10.952* |
Prevention |
12 |
19.38 |
47.29 |
5.14 |
26.18 |
47.8 |
7.4 |
0.51 |
0.533NS |
* Significant |
NS- not significant |
Table value- 1.729 |
Pre- experimental design was used to assess the effectiveness of self -instructional module on knowledge regarding risk factors and prevention of peptic ulcer disease among adults in a selected rural area, Udaipur. Convenient sampling techniques was used.
The percentage distribution of adults with peptic ulcer disease according to their age, higher percentage (28%) of adults were in age group of 33-47 years. 26% and 20% were in the group of 48-60 years and 18 - 32 years respectively. The percentage distribution of adults according to their sex, higher percentage (62%) adults were females, whereas 38% were males. The percentage distribution of adults according to their education, higher percentage (32%) adults were had secondary education and graduates, (18%) adults have got primary education and the same percentage of adults had no formal education. The percentage distribution of adults according to their occupation, 44% of adults were government employees and 40% of them were self employees, 16% of them were daily wages. The percentage distribution of adults according to their family income, The highest percentage (40%) of the adults had 20,000 rupees monthly income. 22% and 24% had 10,000 and 30,000 rupees income and 14% of adult’s family had more than 30,000 monthly income.
The percentage distribution of adults according to their dietary pattern, the highest percentage (78%) of the adults had irregular dietary pattern and remaining 22% only had regular pattern. The percentage distribution of adults according to previous source of information, the highest percentage (40%) of adults has got information from health personnel, 18% from friends, relatives and mass media and 24% got previous information from books and journals.
The data also reveals that 60% of adult had inadequate knowledge 24% had moderately adequate knowledge and only 16% had adequate knowledge in pretest and that 68% had adequate knowledge 14% had moderately adequate knowledge and only 18% had inadequate knowledge in post-test. After the intervention, majority (34%) of adults had good knowledge level whereas during pre-test only (8%) of adults had good knowledge.
Before intervention the mean knowledge score was 20.22. After intervention, the mean knowledge score was increased to 22.37. Statistically there was a significant difference in the mean knowledge score before and after the intervention (t = 10.95*, df = 19, P<0.05).
Hence the hypothesis, there will be a significant difference in the pre and post test mean knowledge score after the intervention was accepted. The data concluded that, there was a significant increase in the mean knowledge score after intervention. This could be because of self-instructional module.
The study revealed that the self-instructional module was effective in improving the knowledge regarding the prevention of peptic ulcers